About Us

" "Welcome to Haven Interior – your premier destination for exquisite interior design and construction expertise. With a passion for creating inspiring spaces, we specialize in crafting personalized environments that reflect your unique style and aspirations. Our dedicated team brings together innovation, craftsmanship, and attention to detail to transform your vision into reality. At Haven Interior, we are committed to delivering exceptional quality and exceeding your expectations, making your space an embodiment of luxury, functionality, and timeless elegance.""

Why Choose Haven Interior?

Personalised Design
Extra Storage
No Cost EMI
10 Years Warranty

About Us

At Haven Interior, we believe that a well-designed space has the power to elevate experiences and evoke emotions. Our team of passionate interior designers is dedicated to curating personalized, functional, and aesthetically pleasing interiors that resonate with your vision.

With years of experience in the industry, we have honed our craft to offer a comprehensive range of interior design services. Whether you're seeking a complete home renovation, a room makeover, or professional guidance in selecting furniture and decor, our experts are here to assist you at every step of the journey.

What sets us apart is our commitment to understanding your individual needs and preferences. We prioritize open communication and collaboration, ensuring that your ideas and desires are seamlessly integrated into the design process. From conceptualization to execution, we pay meticulous attention to detail, delivering high-quality results that exceed expectations.

At Haven Interior, we draw inspiration from the latest design trends while incorporating timeless elements to create spaces that stand the test of time. Our goal is to craft interiors that not only reflect your personality but also enhance functionality and comfort, making every corner of your space a delight to inhabit.

Thank you for considering Haven Interior for your design needs. Let us embark on this exciting journey together to transform your space into a haven you'll cherish for years to come.

Meet Our Team
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Mr.Subhankar Munshi

Founder Of Haven Interior

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Mr.Dipankar Munshi

Co-Founder Of Haven Interior

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Mr.Biswajit Das


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Mr.Bikash Mondal

Interior Designer

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Ms.Sandana Dey

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Mr.Rohit Barua

Marketing & Management

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Ms.Sayanti Mondal

Marketing & Management

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Mr.Saheb Munshi


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Mr.Roni Das


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Mr.Rahul Mallick

Electrical Supervisor

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Why Choose Haven Interior?

In the dynamic world of interior design, selecting the right partner to craft your living space is a pivotal decision. Amidst a sea of options, Haven Interior emerges as an undisputed leader, offering an unrivaled blend of expertise, innovation, and dedication to creating captivating spaces that redefine the art of living.

  • Concept & Design
  • Innovative Design Solutions
  • Impeccable Craftsmanship
  • Versatility and Adaptability
  • Budget Optimisation
  • Residential & Commercial
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